Zilkale is a medieval castle located in the Fırtına Valley within the Pontic Mountains, and is one of the most important historical…
Hamsilos Bay is a Black Sea bay in Sinop Province, Turkey
Chattušaš bylo hlavní město Chetitské říše. Nachází se v blízkosti dnešní turecké obce Boğazkale dříve nazývaného Boğazköy, v Çorumské…
Büyük Ağa Medresesi or Kapı Ağa Medresesi is a historical 15th century medrese in Amasya, Turkey.
Yazılıkaya byla svatyně v Chattušašu, hlavním městě chetitské říše, v dnešní turecké Çorumské provincii.
Comana Pontica, was an ancient city located in ancient Pontus, now in modern Turkey.
Khandzta was a medieval Georgian monastery founded by Gregory of Khandzta in 782 AD.
Hadrianopolis in Paphlagonia was a city in southwestern Paphlagonia, Asia Minor, about 3km west of modern Eskipazar.
Otkhta is a 10th-century Georgian monastery which was built in 961–965 by Davit Kurapalat and renewed in 978–1001.
Ishkani or Ishkhan, is a ruined Christian monastery in the territory of Turkey in the village of İşhan, Artvin province.
Alacahöyük or Alaca Höyük is the site of a Neolithic and Hittite settlement and is an important archaeological site.