Zilkale is a medieval castle located in the Fırtına Valley within the Pontic Mountains, and is one of the most important historical…
Hamsilos Bay is a Black Sea bay in Sinop Province, Turkey
Hattusa, ook bekend als Hattusha, Hattusas of Hattush, was een oude Hattische stad, die de hoofdstad van het koninkrijk der Hettieten werd.
Büyük Ağa Medresesi or Kapı Ağa Medresesi is a historical 15th century medrese in Amasya, Turkey.
Yazılıkaya is een heiligdom van Hattusa, de hoofdstad van het Hettitische Rijk. Het bevindt zich in de huidige Turkse provincie Çorum.
Comana Pontica, was an ancient city located in ancient Pontus, now in modern Turkey.
Khandzta was a medieval Georgian monastery founded by Gregory of Khandzta in 782 AD.
Hadrianopolis in Paphlagonia was a city in southwestern Paphlagonia, Asia Minor, about 3km west of modern Eskipazar.
Otkhta is a 10th-century Georgian monastery which was built in 961–965 by Davit Kurapalat and renewed in 978–1001.
Ishkani or Ishkhan, is a ruined Christian monastery in the territory of Turkey in the village of İşhan, Artvin province.
Alacahöyük is een belangrijke archeologische vindplaats in Centraal-Turkije die bewoning vanaf 5500 tot 600 v.Chr. vertoont.