Palác Topkapi je palác v Istanbulu v Turecku, který byl oficiální rezidencí osmanských sultánů a zároveň centrem vlády nad celou říší v…
Kilitbahir Castle is a fortress on the west side of the Dardanelles, opposite the city of Çanakkale, where there is a corresponding…
Bozcaada Castle is a castle in the Turkish island of Bozcaada.
Yedikule Fortress is a fortified historic structure located in the Yedikule neighbourhood of Fatih, in Istanbul, Turkey.
Bozcaada Castle is a castle in the Turkish island of Bozcaada.
This "Meadow Castle" was built in 15th century as a guard over Dardanelles. Now it houses naval and military museums.
Anadoluhisarı, historicky známý jako Güzelce Hisar je středověká tvrz v Istanbulu v Turecku na asijské straně Bosporu.