Zámek Łańcut, znám také pod názvem Zámek Lubomirských a Potockých v Łańcutu, je bývalé šlechtické sídlo nacházející se v městě Łańcut, v…
Rzeszów Castle - one of the main landmarks of Rzeszów rebuilt between 1902-1906, located on the former grounds of the castle of the House…
Krasiczyn Castle is a Renaissance castle à la fortezza in Krasiczyn, southeastern Poland.
St. Paraskevi Church in Radruż is a Gothic, wooden church from the sixteenth-century located in the village of Radruż, Poland, which…
Kostel svatého Jana Křtitele v Přemyšlu je katedrálním kostelem ukrajinské řeckokatolické církve, arcidiecéze Přemyšl-Varšava.
The Sanok Royal Castle was built in the late 14th century in Sanok, Poland.
The Łańcut Synagogue is a Baroque synagogue in Łańcut, Poland. The Łańcut Synagogue is a rare surviving example of the vaulted synagogues…
The Rural Architecture Museum of Sanok is one of the biggest open-air museums in Poland.
Something for kids as well as adults: charming museum of bedtime cartoons will take you back in time in a minute.
Národní muzeum Přemyšlska je muzejní instituce sídlící v moderní budově z roku 2008 a je umístěné v centru Přemyšle v Podkarpatskému…
Sobień is a medieval castle in the San river valley, at the feet of Eastern Carpathian mountains, in the Manasterzec village in Lesko…
Leská synagoga byla jednou z mnoha staveb, jež se nacházely na území Polska a sloužily věřícím v období do začátku druhé světové války.
The Baranów Sandomierski Castle is a Mannerist castle located in the town of Baranów Sandomierski in the Subcarpathian Voivodship, south…
Kamieniec Castle is a 14th-century Gothic castle ruin, which was expanded in the 16th century expanded in a Renaissance form.
Mother of God Church in Chotyniec is a Gothic wooden church located in the village of Chotyniec from the seventeenth-century, which…
St. Michael Archangel's Church in Turzańsk is a nineteenth-century wooden church located in the village of Turzańsk.
Assumption of Holy Mary Church in Haczów - a Gothic, wooden church located in the village of Haczów from the fifteenth-century, which…
St. Michael Archangel's Church in Smolnik - a Gothic, wooden church located in the village of Smolnik from the eighteenth-century, which…
Rzeszów Główny is a railway station of the southeastern Polish city of Rzeszów, and the biggest of the Subcarpathian Voivodeship.
Tarnica je s výškou 1346 m nejvyšší hora v polských Bieszczadech. Jedná se o pátý nejvyšší vrchol Koruny hor Polska.