万楚特城堡 是位于波兰万楚特的一座历史建筑群。2005年9月1日,波兰政府将万楚特城堡列入国家历史纪念建筑。万楚特城堡始建于14世纪,当时这里是波托茨基家族的财产。
热舒夫城堡 是波兰城市热舒夫的一座城堡,也是热舒夫的地标之一。这里自16世纪开始就有城堡。现在的城堡修建于1902年至1906年。重建之后至1981年期间,该建筑曾被用作监狱。现在热舒夫城堡用作省法院。卢博米尔斯基宫位于城堡附近。
克拉希津城堡 是位于波兰东南部喀尔巴阡山省城镇克拉希津的一座城堡建筑。这座城堡在历史上属于博览贵族,并曾有多位波兰国王访问过这里。现在城堡和附属花园由波兰工业发展署所有。
St. Paraskevi Church in Radruż is a Gothic, wooden church from the sixteenth-century located in the village of Radruż, Poland, which…
萨诺克城堡 是波兰的一座城堡,位于波兰东南部城市萨诺克。这座城堡修建于14世纪。萨诺克城堡地处一座高317米的小山上。现在萨诺克城堡是萨诺克历史博物馆的展馆。
The Łańcut Synagogue is a Baroque synagogue in Łańcut, Poland. The Łańcut Synagogue is a rare surviving example of the vaulted synagogues…
The Rural Architecture Museum of Sanok is one of the biggest open-air museums in Poland.
This museum has something to offer for everyone: it holds vast historical, archaeological and etnographical collections.
Sobień – Medieval castle in the San river valley, at the feet of Eastern Carpathian mountains, in the Manasterzec village in Lesko County,…
The Przemyśl New Synagogue, also known as the Scheinbach Synagogue, was an Orthodox synagogue in Przemyśl, Poland.
巴拉诺夫桑多米尔斯基城堡 是位于波兰东南部喀尔巴阡山省的一座城堡。这座城堡是波兰最重要的风格主义建筑之一。城堡又有小瓦维尔山之称。据波兰法律,该城堡被列入零级纪念建筑。现在这座城堡是一座博物馆、酒店、会议中心。
Kamieniec Castle - a fourteenth-century, Gothic castle ruin and in the sixteenth-century expanded in the Renaissance form.
Mother of God Church in Chotyniec is a Gothic wooden church located in the village of Chotyniec from the seventeenth-century, which…
St. Michael Archangel's Church in Turzańsk is a nineteenth-century wooden church located in the village of Turzańsk.
Assumption of Holy Mary Church in Haczów - a Gothic, wooden church located in the village of Haczów from the fifteenth-century, which…
St. Michael Archangel's Church in Smolnik - a Gothic, wooden church located in the village of Smolnik from the eighteenth-century, which…
热舒夫火车总站 是位于波兰喀尔巴阡山省首府热舒夫的一座铁路车站。热舒夫的第一个车站建于1858年,随克拉科夫到利沃夫的铁路完工而启用。在随后的几年中,热舒夫成为一个重要的铁路枢纽。
Tarnica is a peak in the Bieszczady Mountains in southern Poland. Its height is 1,346 metres.