Wilanowský palác je zámecký areál zbudovaný roku 1679 v polském hlavním městě Varšavě.
Ostrogski Palace, or Ostrogski Castle, is a fortified mansion in the city center of Warsaw, Poland, on Tamka Street.
Mausoleum of Struggle and Martyrdom is a museum in Warsaw, Poland. It is a branch of the Museum of Independence.
Muzeum dějin polských Židů se nachází v centru Varšavy na Muranowie a dokumentuje historii Židů v Polsku.
Neon Museum, also the Museum of Neon is a museum located in Warsaw's Praga-Południe.
The Kaiserpanorama is a form of stereoscopic entertainment medium used chiefly in the 19th and early 20th centuries, a precursor to film,…
Museum of the Polish Army is a museum in Warsaw documenting the military history of Poland.
The Jewish Historical Institute, also known as the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute, is a public cultural and research…
Národní galerie umění Zachęta, často jen Zachęta je polská Národní galerie umění sídlící ve Varšavě.
The National Museum of Ethnography is a museum of ethnography in Warsaw, Poland. It was established in 1888.
The Poster Museum at Wilanów is the world's oldest poster museum. Founded in 1968, the museum is housed at the Wilanów Palace complex in…
National Museum of Technology is a museum in Warsaw, Poland. It was established in 1955.
The Museum of John Paul II and Primate Wyszyński is a Roman Catholic cultural and educational institution affiliated with the Archdiocese…
Muzeum Farmacji im. Antoniny Leśniewskiej w Warszawie is a museum of pharmacy in Warsaw, Poland.