빌라누프궁은 바르샤바의 빌라누프에 있는 궁전으로서 다른 건물과 공원도 함께 있다. 폴란드의 문화를 가장 상징적으로 보여주는 기념비적인 건물로도 꼽힌다. 역사적인 어려움에도 불구하고 궁전은 탄탄히 보존되어 왔다.
프레데리크 쇼팽 박물관은 폴란드 바르샤바에 있는 박물관이다. 1954년에 설립되어 폴란드 음악가 프레데리크 쇼팽에게 헌정되었다. 2005년부터 박물관은 프리데리크 쇼팽 연구소가 운영하고 있다.
Mausoleum of Struggle and Martyrdom is a museum in Warsaw, Poland. It is a branch of the Museum of Independence.
POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews is a museum on the site of the former Warsaw Ghetto.
Neon Museum, also the Museum of Neon is a museum located in Warsaw's Praga-Południe.
The Kaiserpanorama is a form of stereoscopic entertainment medium used chiefly in the 19th and early 20th centuries, a precursor to film,…
Museum of the Polish Army is a museum in Warsaw documenting the military history of Poland.
The Jewish Historical Institute, also known as the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute, is a public cultural and research…
The Zachęta National Gallery of Art is a contemporary art museum in the center of Warsaw, Poland.
The National Museum of Ethnography is a museum of ethnography in Warsaw, Poland. It was established in 1888.
The Poster Museum at Wilanów is the world's oldest poster museum. Founded in 1968, the museum is housed at the Wilanów Palace complex in…
National Museum of Technology is a museum in Warsaw, Poland. It was established in 1955.
The Museum of John Paul II and Primate Wyszyński is a Roman Catholic cultural and educational institution affiliated with the Archdiocese…
Muzeum Farmacji im. Antoniny Leśniewskiej w Warszawie is a museum of pharmacy in Warsaw, Poland.