St. George's Castle Museum

Local nameCastillo de San Jorge
LocationTriana, Seville, Spain

Learn about the darkest times of the Spanish Empire and visit the museum dedicated to the feared Spanish Inquisition. This medieval fortress is the place where its first council was held and later it served as its headquarters and a prison.

The exhibitions explain the historical context of the Inquisition and where in the city it took place. You will learn about the reasons why heretics were imprisoned and tortured and you will also see the rooms where they were held. Free audioguides are available in the museum.

Tags Archaeological SiteFreeMuseumHistory MuseumAccessible
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Opening hours

Mon - Fri: 10 am - 1:30 pm; 5 pm - 7:30 pm
Sat, Sun, holidays: 10 am - 1:30 pm


Free admission.

More information and contact


Seville Tourism Board


Phone +34 954 33 22 40

Address Plaza del Altozano, s/n, 41001 Sevilla, Spain

Coordinates 37°23'8.584" N -6°0'11.403" E

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