La catedral de San Alejandro o simplemente catedral de Bérgamo es una catedral católica en Bérgamo, Italia, dedicada a San Alejandro de…
An imposing old square, once the most important part of the city, with unique Palazzo della Ragione and Biblioteca Angelo Mai buildings.
The view from the top of this medieval tower is gorgeous. Make sure to book your visit in advance at the information desk downstairs.
La capilla Colleoni es una capilla/mausoleo en la ciudad italiana de Bérgamo.
La catedral de San Alejandro o simplemente catedral de Bérgamo es una catedral católica en Bérgamo, Italia, dedicada a San Alejandro de…
This statue is almost five centuries old! Very nice work of art, so do not miss it.
San Michele al Pozzo Bianco is a church in the upper town of Bergamo, on a small piazza of the same name, near Porta Sant'Agostino, on Via…
La Accademia Carrara es un museo de arte y una academia de arte en Bérgamo, Italia.
El Jardín Botánico de Bergamo "Lorenzo Rota" en italiano : Orto Botanico di Bergamo "Lorenzo Rota" es un jardín botánico de 1357 metros…
The Serio Falls are the tallest waterfall in Italy, and the second tallest waterfall in Europe.
El Castillo de Malpaga se encuentra situado en el territorio de Cavernago, en las cercanías de Bérgamo.
Le Cornelle is a zoo and amusement park in Valbrembo, in the Lombardy province, northern Italy, created by Angelo Ferruccio Benedetti in…
Lake Endine is a lake of the Province of Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy. Covering an area of 2.1 square kilometres, it is formed by the Cherio…
Presolana es una montaña ubicada en la Lombardía, Italia septentrional, alrededor de 35 km al norte de Bérgamo.
Astino Abbey is a former Roman Catholic monastery in the Astino Valley, in the Province of Bergamo, region of Lombardy, Italy.
El Pizzo Coca es una montaña de los Alpes con una altura de 3.050 m s. n. m.. Se encuentra a caballo entre Val Seriana y Valtellina.
Monte Valletto is a mountain of Lombardy, Italy. It is located within the Bergamo Alps.