La Mezquita Aljama de Isfahán es la mezquita aljama de la ciudad de Isfahán, capital de la provincia de Isfahán, en Irán.
El monasterio de San Tadeo también conocido como Kara Kilise, es un antiguo monasterio armenio localizado en las montañas de la provincia…
Yazd Atash Behram es un templo de fuego zoroastrista ubicado en Yazd, provincia de Yazd, Irán.
El Mausoleo del Ayatolá Jomeini alberga la tumba de Ruhollah Moosavi Jomeini y Ahmad Jomeini, su segundo hijo, que murió en 1995.
La mezquita Azul es una importante mezquita situada en la ciudad de Tabrīz, Irán.
Shāh Chérāgh is a funerary monument and mosque in Shiraz, Iran, housing the tomb of the brothers Ahmad and Muhammad, sons of Mūsā al-Kādhim…
La catedral de San Salvador, también llamada catedral de Vank y la iglesia de las Hermanas Santas, es una catedral armenia en la ciudad…
The Shāh Abdol-Azīm Shrine, also known as Shabdolazim, located in Rey, Iran, contains the tomb of ‘Abdul ‘Adhīm ibn ‘Abdillāh al-Hasanī.
Jameh Mosque of Qazvin is one of the oldest mosques in Iran, and is the grand, congregational mosque of Qazvin, in Qazvin Province, Iran.
The Vakil Mosque is a mosque in Shiraz, southern Iran, situated to the west of the Vakil Bazaar next to its entrance.
La catedral de San Stepanous es una catedral armenia situada cerca de la ciudad de Jolfa, Azerbaiyán Oriental, noroeste de Irán.
The Jāmeh Mosque is a large, congregational mosque in Tabrīz city, within the East Azerbaijan Province of Iran.
La mezquita de Malek es una mezquita tradicional situada en la ciudad de Kermán, al sureste de Irán.
Jameh Mosque of Atigh is a 9th-century mosque in Shiraz, the capital of Fars Province, Iran, Atigh Jameh mosque the oldest mosque of Shiraz…
The Imamzadeh Hossein is the grave mosque of a son of the 8th Imam Ali al-Ridha in Qazvin, Iran that the Safavids - Shah Tahmasp I built in…
The Jāmeh Mosque of Borujerd is a congregational mosque in Borujerd, in the province of Loristan, western Iran.
Saint Mary Church, Holy Mother of God Church or Surp Mariam Asdvadzadzin Church is an Armenian Apostolic church in Tabriz, East Azerbaijan…
The Soltani Mosque of Borujerd is a large mosque in the centre of Borujerd, in the province of Lorestan, western Iran.
Jameh Mosque of Kerman is a mosque located in Kerman, Iran. The mosque was built at the time of Mubariz al-Din Muhammad, Muzaffarids, in the…