İsfahan Ulu Camii ya da İsfahan Cuma Camisi, İran'ın İsfahan Eyaleti'ndeki yer alan cuma camisidir.
Kara Kilise veya Aziz Thaddeus Manastırı, İran'ın Batı Azerbaycan Eyaleti'nde, Maku kentine yaklaşık 20 km mesafede bulunan bir Ermeni…
The Fire Temple of Yazd, also known as Yazd Atash Behram, is a Zoroastrian fire temple in Yazd, Yazd province, Iran.
Ruhullah Humeyni Türbesi, İran'ın Tahran şehrinde bulunan, İran İslam Devrimi önderi Ruhullah Humeyni ile ailesinin ve eski Cumhurbaşkanı…
Şah Çerağ, İran'ın Şiraz şehrinde Şiilerin 8. imamı Ali er-Rızâ'nın kardeşleri Seyyid Emir Ahmed ile Mir Muhammed'in mezarlarının bulunduğu…
Vank Katedrali veya Vank Kilisesi, İran'ın İsfahan kentinin Yeni Culfa mahallesinde bulunan Ermeni Apostolik Kilisesi'ne bağlı kilise.
The Shāh Abdol-Azīm Shrine, also known as Shabdolazim, located in Rey, Iran, contains the tomb of ‘Abdul ‘Adhīm ibn ‘Abdillāh al-Hasanī.
Jameh Mosque of Qazvin is one of the oldest mosques in Iran, and is the grand, congregational mosque of Qazvin, in Qazvin Province, Iran.
Vekil Camii, İran'ın Şiraz kentinde bulunan Zend Hanedanı döneminden kalma tarihi camidir.
Aziz Stepanos Manastırı, İran'ın Doğu Azerbaycan Eyaleti'nin kuzeybatısındaki Ermeni manastırıdır.
Tebriz Ulu Camii, İran'ın Tebriz kentinde yer alan camidir. Tebriz kent merkezinde, Mutahhari caddesi üzerindeki yapı Tebriz Meşrutiyet…
Malek Mosque This mosque is located in Kerman, Iran. The mosque was built at the time of Turan Shah I, Kerman Seljuk Sultanate, in the 11th…
Jameh Mosque of Atigh is a 9th-century mosque in Shiraz, the capital of Fars Province, Iran, Atigh Jameh mosque the oldest mosque of Shiraz…
The Imamzadeh Hossein is the grave mosque of a son of the 8th Imam Ali al-Ridha in Qazvin, Iran that the Safavids - Shah Tahmasp I built in…
The Jāmeh Mosque of Borujerd is a congregational mosque in Borujerd, in the province of Loristan, western Iran.
Saint Mary Church, Holy Mother of God Church or Surp Mariam Asdvadzadzin Church is an Armenian Apostolic church in Tabriz, East Azerbaijan…
The Soltani Mosque of Borujerd is a large mosque in the centre of Borujerd, in the province of Lorestan, western Iran.
Jameh Mosque of Kerman is a mosque located in Kerman, Iran. The mosque was built at the time of Mubariz al-Din Muhammad, Muzaffarids, in the…