La iglesia San Nicolás de Potsdam es una iglesia luterana erigida en la plaza del Mercado Viejo en Potsdam. El edificio de planta central…
La Puerta de Brandeburgo es un arco de triunfo y una puerta situada en la Luisenplatz de Potsdam.
The Old Market Square is a centrally located square in downtown Potsdam which forms the historical centre of the city.
The building housed royal carriages and horses in the past. Nowadays, as the name suggests, there are historical exhibitions documenting the…
El Palacio de la Ciudad de Potsdam fue un edificio histórico de Potsdam, Alemania.
The Museum Barberini is an art museum in Potsdam opened in 2017. Its exhibitions range from the so-called Old Masters to contemporary art,…
The Bundesrechnungshof is the supreme federal authority for federal audit matters in Germany. There are equivalent bodies at state level.
Permanent exhibitions on film and television in several rooms and temporary shows are the main draws of this museum.
Pseudotsuga menziesii, comúnmente llamado abeto de Douglas, douglasia verde, falsa tsuga verde de las Rocosas, pino Oregón, pino de Oregón…
Acer negundo, acezintle, arce negundo o negundo, es una especie de árbol de la familia Sapindaceae nativa de Norteamérica.
Acer saccharinum L., el arce de azúcar, arce del Canadá, arce sacarino, arce plateado o arce blanco americano es una especie botánica de…
The Commissioner of the Land of Brandenburg for the Study of the Repercussions of the Communist Dictatorship is responsible for advising…
The Bundesrechnungshof is the supreme federal authority for audit matters in the Federal Republic of Germany.