St. Nicholas Church in Potsdam is a Lutheran church under the Evangelical Church in Berlin, Brandenburg and Silesian Upper Lusatia of the…
The Brandenburg Gate on the Luisenplatz in Potsdam, not to be confused with the gate of the same name on Berlin's Pariser Platz, was built…
The Old Market Square is a centrally located square in downtown Potsdam which forms the historical centre of the city.
The building housed royal carriages and horses in the past. Nowadays, as the name suggests, there are historical exhibitions documenting the…
The Potsdam City Palace is a building in Potsdam, Germany, located on the Old Market Square, next to the St. Nicholas' Church.
The Museum Barberini is an art museum in Potsdam opened in 2017. Its exhibitions range from the so-called Old Masters to contemporary art,…
The Bundesrechnungshof is the supreme federal authority for federal audit matters in Germany. There are equivalent bodies at state level.
Permanent exhibitions on film and television in several rooms and temporary shows are the main draws of this museum.
미송은 소나무과에 속하는 상록수이다. 북아메리카가 원산지이며 높이는 60-90m나 되며 줄기가 똑바로 자란다. 심재와 변재가 뚜렷하게 구별되는데 심재는 연한 황갈색, 변재는 담황색이다. 춘재에서 추재로의 이전이 빠른 편이다. 단단하고 긴 목재를 얻을…
네군도단풍은 낙엽이 지는 활엽교목으로서, 잎은 깃꼴 겹잎으로, 3-7개의 타원형인 작은잎을 가지고 있다. 암수딴그루로서, 4-5월경에 황록색 꽃이 총상꽃차례를 이루면서 피어난다. 열매는 시과로 10월경에 익는데, 긴 이삭이 되어 늘어지는 것을 볼 수…
Acer saccharinum, commonly known as silver maple, creek maple, silverleaf maple, soft maple, large maple, water maple, swamp maple, or…
The Commissioner of the Land of Brandenburg for the Study of the Repercussions of the Communist Dictatorship is responsible for advising…
The Bundesrechnungshof is the supreme federal authority for audit matters in the Federal Republic of Germany.