프라이부르크 대성당 또는 프라이부르크 주교좌 성당은 독일 남서부에 있는 도시 프라이부르크에 있는 로마 가톨릭교회의 대성당이다. 체링겐 가문의 마지막 공작은 1200년경 로마네스크 양식의 성당 건설을 착수하였으며, 공사는 1230년대에 고딕 양식으로…
The Martinstor, a former town fortification on Kaiser-Joseph-Straße, is the older of the two gates of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, that…
The Historical Merchants' Hall is one of the most outstanding buildings in Freiburg im Breisgau.
The Augustiner Museum is a museum in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany located in the former Augustinian Monastery building.
The Minster Square in the centre district of Freiburg is a paved area surrounding the Freiburger Minster.
Freiburg Hauptbahnhof is the main railway station in the German city of Freiburg im Breisgau.
The University Church, or Universitätskirche, is a Catholic church at the University of Freiburg.
Theater Freiburg is a theatre in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
The Minster Square in the centre district of Freiburg is a paved area surrounding the Freiburger Minster.
The Freiburg Konzerthaus is a concert hall in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, that was opened to the public in 1996.
The Colombischlössle Archeological Museum is a museum in Freiburg im Breisgau in southwest Germany which features the prehistoric …
The Carl-Schurz-Haus, a German-American Institute, was founded in 1952 as Amerika-Haus in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.