프라이부르크 대성당 또는 프라이부르크 주교좌 성당은 독일 남서부에 있는 도시 프라이부르크에 있는 로마 가톨릭교회의 대성당이다. 체링겐 가문의 마지막 공작은 1200년경 로마네스크 양식의 성당 건설을 착수하였으며, 공사는 1230년대에 고딕 양식으로…
The Martinstor, a former town fortification on Kaiser-Joseph-Straße, is the older of the two gates of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, that…
The Schlossbergturm or Castle Hill Tower is a 35 m high observation tower on Castle Hill Schlossberg on the edge of the historic Altstadt…
The Schwabentor, also called Obertor in the Middle Ages, is the more recent of the two remaining city gates of the medieval defensive wall…
The Lorettoberg, also known as Josephsbergle in Freiburg, is a mountain ridge in the South-West of the Wiehre district in the city of…
The Lorettoberg, also known as Josephsbergle in Freiburg, is a mountain ridge in the South-West of the Wiehre district in the city of…
The Loretto Baths, in short Lollo, is the oldest open-air swimming pool in Germany.
드라이잠슈타디온은 독일 프라이부르크에 위치한 다목적 시립 경기장이다. 현재, 주로 축구 경기를 위해 사용되며, SC 프라이부르크의 홈구장이었다. 이 경기장은 24,000명을 수용할 수 있으며, 1953년에 개장하였다. 드라이잠슈타디온이란 이름은…
The Seepark is a park in the district Betzenhausen of Freiburg im Breisgau which was constructed for the Landesgartenschau in 1986.
The Johanneskirche is a catholic church located in Freiburg im Breisgau.
The Protestant University of Applied Sciences Freiburg is a university of social work, diakonia and religious education.
Arlesheimer See is an artificial lake within the boundaries of Freiburg im Breisgau district, in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
The Hugstetten rail disaster occurred on the railway line between Freiburg im Breisgau and Breisach am Rhein on 3 September 1882.
The Flückigersee is a 10-hectare lake in the Freiburg district of Betzenhausen.