German submarine Wilhelm Bauer is a Type XXI U-boat of Nazi Germany's navy, completed shortly before the end of World War II.
The Bremerhaven Lighthouse, also known as the Simon Loschen Tower or Loschen Lighthouse, is the rear light of a pair of leading lights at…
The Bremerhaven Zoo is located next to the river Weser and exhibits mainly species which live in the water or in northern environments;…
독일 해양박물관은 독일 브레머하펜에 위치한 해양박물관이다.
Schulschiff Deutschland is a German full-rigged sail training ship, maintained as a historical monument and museum ship.
The German Emigration Center is a museum located in Bremerhaven, Germany dedicated to the history of German emigration, especially to the…
Bremerhaven Stadthalle is an arena in Bremerhaven, Germany. It is primarily used for Events.
The Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research is located in Bremerhaven, Germany, and a member of the…