Biella Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Biella, Piedmont, Italy, dedicated to Saint Stephen.
The Sacro Monte di Oropa is a Roman Catholic devotional complex in the province of Biella, Piedmont, northern Italy.
가시칠엽수 또는 마로니에는 낙엽이 지는 교목으로서, 그 모양은 칠엽수와 매우 비슷하지만, 꽃차례의 곁가지가 크게 뻗어 큰 원추꽃차례를 이루는 점과 꽃잎이 짙은 분홍색을 띠는 점이 다르다. 또한 칠엽수와 달리, 열매의 바깥면에 밤송이와 같은 가시가…
로부르참나무, 케르쿠스 로부르는 유럽 대부분의 지역에서 캅카스, 아나톨리아의 재래종이다. 이 나무는 온화한 지역에서 널리 경작되며 중국, 북아메리카 곳곳의 야생 지대로 퍼져나갔다.
개잎갈나무는 구과목 소나무과의 식물이다. 학명은 Cedrus deodara이다. 종명 ‘deodara’는 인도어 ‘deodar’에서 왔는데, 신의 나무를 뜻하는 산스크리트어 ‘devdar’가 어원이다.
Zumaglia Castle is a medieval castle located at the top of Brich di Zumaglia on the borders of the communes of Zumaglia and Ronco Biellese…
Lago del Mucrone is a lake in the Province of Biella, Piedmont, Italy. At an elevation of 1894 m, its surface area is 0.01713 km².
The Burcina Park “Felice Piacenza” Nature Reserve is a protected, wooded, about 57 hectares wide area.
The Mazzucco Sanctuary is a sanctuary devoted to Saint Anne, the Virgin Mary and Bernard of Menthon.
The church of San Secondo di Magnano is built in a wide open space near the Serra d'Ivrea, not far from the Bose monastic community, in the…
Bocchetto Sessera or Bocchetto di Sessera is a mountain pass across the Alpi Biellesi.
Lago della Vecchia is a lake in the Prealps of the Province of Biella in the Piedmont region of Italy.
The Sacro Monte di Graglia is one of the numerous devotional places around the Italian Alps and it houses the Santuario di Nostra Signora…
The Sacro Monte di Graglia is one of the numerous devotional places around the Italian Alps and it houses the Santuario di Nostra Signora…
The Sacro Monte di Graglia is one of the numerous devotional places around the Italian Alps and it houses the Santuario di Nostra Signora…
The Sacro Monte del Santuario di San Giovanni Battista d'Andorno is the Sacro Monte built around a sanctuary in the Cervo Valley above the…
Santuario della Brugarola is a sanctuary in Ailoche, Province of Biella in the Italian region of Piedmont.
The Banchette sanctuary devoted to the Virgin Mary situated in the Banchette hamlet, in the comune of Bioglio, near the village of…
Monte Mucrone is an Alpine mountain of Piedmont.
Monte Cresto is the third highest peak of the Province of Biella after Monte Mars and Monte Bo.
Monte Barone is a mountain of the Alpi Biellesi, a sub-range of the Pennine Alps.