베르데 곶은 세네갈에 위치한 반도로 아프리카 대륙의 극서단을 형성한다. 이 곶은 원래 포르투갈 탐험가들에 의해 "카보 베르데"라고 불렸다.
The Our Lady of Victories Cathedral or Cathedral of Dakar, is a religious building that serves as the Catholic cathedral in the city of…
아프리카 르네상스 동상은 세네갈 다카르 시내에 있는 동상이다. 마멜이라고 불리는 언덕 위에 세워져 있다. 높이는 약 49m로, 아프리카에서 가장 큰 동상이다.
The Théodore Monod African Art Museum in Dakar, Senegal is one of the oldest art museums in West Africa.
The House of Slaves and its Door of No Return is a museum and memorial to the victims of the Atlantic slave trade on Gorée Island, 3 km off…
The Dakar Grand Mosque is one of the most important religious buildings in Dakar, Senegal. It is situated on Allée Pape Gueye Fall.
The Historical Museum of Senegal in Gorée is a museum attached to the Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire and located on the island of…
The Musée de la Mer is a museum located in Gorée, Senegal. The museum contains various documents and photos on marine animals in Senegal…
The Henriette-Bathily Women's Museum is a museum which was located on Gorée, an island on the coast of Senegal, across from the House of…
The Henriette-Bathily Women's Museum is a museum which was located on Gorée, an island on the coast of Senegal, across from the House of…