佛得角半岛 是塞内加尔的半岛,处于非洲大陆的最西端,距离佛得角岛屿以东560公里。居民主要是农民和渔民,从1444年开始是非洲和欧洲贸易的转口港,在1857年法国在半岛上建立现为塞内加尔首都的达喀尔。
The Our Lady of Victories Cathedral or Cathedral of Dakar, is a religious building that serves as the Catholic cathedral in the city of…
非洲复兴纪念碑 是一尊位于非洲国家塞内加尔的首都达喀尔的49米高之青铜雕像。置身其中能俯瞰大西洋。
The Musée de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire or IFAN Museum of African Arts in Dakar, Senegal is one of the oldest art museums in…
The Historical Museum of Senegal in Gorée is a museum attached to the Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire and located on the island of…
The Musée de la Mer is a museum located in Gorée, Senegal. The museum contains various documents and photos on marine animals in Senegal…
The Henriette-Bathily Women's Museum is a museum which was located on Gorée, an island on the coast of Senegal, across from the House of…
The Henriette-Bathily Women's Museum is a museum which was located on Gorée, an island on the coast of Senegal, across from the House of…