One of the first city areas that was named a UNESCO heritage. History comes alive in the old neighbourhoods - do not miss!
The Basilica of the National Vow is a Roman Catholic church located in the historic center of Quito, Ecuador.
El Panecillo is a 200-metre-high hill of volcanic-origin, with loess soil, located between southern and central Quito.
The Basilica and Convent of San Francisco, commonly known as el San Francisco, is a Catholic basilica that stands in the middle of the…
These gardens represent a number of ecosystems and the plants within them. Do not miss this hidden gem displaying the diversity of Ecuador.
Cotopaxi National Park is a protected area in Ecuador situated in the Cotopaxi Province, Napo Province and Pichincha Province, roughly 50…
코토팍시산은 에콰도르 중부와 침보라소 산 북쪽, 안데스산맥에 있는 활화산 최고봉이며 높이는 해발 5,897m이다. 총 50번 이상 분출을 하였는데 1903년에는 강력한 분화가 있었다. 화구는 지름 약 500m이다. 현재는 분화를 멈추었지만 스팀이…
Cayambe or Volcán Cayambe is a volcano in Ecuador, in the Cordillera Central, a range of the Ecuadorian Andes.
Cayambe or Volcán Cayambe is a volcano in Ecuador, in the Cordillera Central, a range of the Ecuadorian Andes.
Corazón is an inactive, eroded stratovolcano of Ecuador, situated about 30 km southwest of Quito in the western slopes of the Andes.
Pasochoa is an extinct volcano located in the Guayllabamba river basin in the Ecuadorian Andes.