미리는 보르네오섬 북부에 위치한 말레이시아 사라왁주 해안에 위치한 도시로, 브루나이 쿠알라블라잇과 국경을 접하며 인구는 269,000명으로 사라왁주에서 두 번째로 큰 도시이며, 면적은 4,707.1km2, 높이는 해발 21.95m이다. 쿠칭과…
The Sarawak State Museum is the oldest museum in Borneo. It was founded in 1888 and opened in 1891 in a purpose-built building in Kuching,…
Experience the life and culture of Sarawak in this living museum! See the farming and music houses as well as handcrafts.
The Kuching Cat Museum is a cat museum in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. It was founded in 1993.
This museum houses a huge collection of textiles and clothing from the area of Sarawak. Its colonial building is a gem.
Chinese population has been living in the area of Sarawak. This museum explains their history, present and culture.