USS 미드웨이는 미국 해군의 디젤 항공모함이었다. 미드웨이급 항공모함의 1번함이며, 제2차 세계대전이 끝나고 최초로 취역한 항공모함이다. 베트남전과 1991년 걸프전에 참전했으며, 현재는 캘리포니아 샌디에고에서 USS Midway Museum이라는…
Old Town San Diego State Historic Park, located in the Old Town neighborhood of San Diego, California, is a state protected historical park…
The Maritime Museum of San Diego, established in 1948, preserves one of the largest collections of historic sea vessels in the United…
San Diego Air & Space Museum is an aviation and space exploration museum in San Diego, California, United States.
The Museum of Us is a museum of anthropology located in Balboa Park, San Diego, California, and is housed in the historic landmark…
The San Diego Natural History Museum is a museum located in Balboa Park in San Diego, California.
Visit the large San Diego community of 200 artists and their studios. See, touch and feel the arts or participate in the intriguing…
샌디에이고 미술관은 미국 캘리포니아주 샌디에이고 발보아 공원에 위치한 미술관이다.
The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, in San Diego, California, United States, is an art museum focused on the collection, preservation…