넴루트산은 해발 2,134m의 튀르키예 남동쪽에 위치한 산으로, 산 정상의 기원전 1세기 경에 세워진 콤마게네 왕국의 안티오쿠스 1세의 묘로 유명하다. 여러 조각들이 주변에 세워져있다. 넴루트 산이라는 이름은 비교적 최근인 중세 시대 때 지어진…
The Kasımiye Medrese or Kasim Pasha Medrese is a former madrasa in Mardin, Turkey.
The Malabadi Bridge or Karaman Bridge is an arch bridge spanning the Batman River near Malabadi village in Silvan in southeastern Turkey.
Dayro d-Mor Hananyo is an important Syriac Orthodox monastery. The monastery is located in the Syriac cultural region known as Tur Abdin,…
Dara or Daras was an important East Roman fortress city in northern Mesopotamia on the border with the Sassanid Empire.
The Atatürk Dam, originally the Karababa Dam, is the third largest dam in the world and it is a zoned rock-fill dam with a central core on…
Zeugma Mosaic Museum, in the city of Gaziantep, Turkey, is the biggest mosaic museum in the world, containing 1700 m2 of mosaics.
Yesemek Quarry and Sculpture Workshop is an open-air museum and archaeological site in Gaziantep Province, Turkey.
The Gaziantep Museum of Archaeology is an archaeological museum located in the city of Gaziantep, Turkey.
The Great Mosque of Diyarbakır was built by the Seljuk Sultan Malik-Shah I over an older mosque, and is considered by Muslim scholars to be…
콤마게네 왕국은 이란계 오론테스 왕조의 그리스화 된 분가가 다스린, 고대 그리스-이란계 왕국이다. 수도 역할을 했던 사모스타와 그 근방으로 위치했었으며, 철기 시대 때 사모스타의 명칭인 쿰무흐에서 콤마게네의 명칭이 생겼을 것으로 추정한다.
Gaziantep is one of the towns known especially for its cuisine so it is no wonder it has opened the first cuisine museum in Turkey.
카르케미시는 미탄니와 히타이트의 중요한 고대 도시였다. 히타이트의 수필룰리우마 1세의 왕자인 피야시실리스가 히타이트에서 독립한 후 건설하였다. 기원전 1321년부터 기원전 717년까지 존재했다.
The Gaziantep Zoo is a zoo in Gaziantep, southeastern Turkey. Opened in 2001, it is owned and operated by the Metropolitan Municipality of…
Çayönü Tepesi is a Neolithic settlement in southeastern Turkey which prospered from circa 8,630 to 6,800 BC.
Balıklıgöl, is a pool in the southwest of the city center of Şanlıurfa, Turkey known in Jewish and Islamic legends as the place where…
Arsameia on the Nymphaios is an ancient city located in Old Kâhta in Kâhta district, Adıyaman Province, Turkey.
The Dicle Bridge is a historic bridge in Diyarbakır over the river Tigris in southeastern Turkey.