内姆鲁特山 ,海拔2,134米,位于土耳其东部阿德亚曼省。在山顶是古代科默金王国的国王安梯奥彻斯一世为自己修造的陵墓,陵墓用石头垒成,高49米,直径为152米,东、西、北三面由台阶式的院落围合,东台傍山,有两道矮墙,上面有一尊他自己高8…
The Kasımiye Medrese or Kasim Pasha Medrese is a former madrasa in Mardin, Turkey.
The Malabadi Bridge or Karaman Bridge is an arch bridge spanning the Batman River near Malabadi village in Silvan in southeastern Turkey.
Dayro d-Mor Hananyo is an important Syriac Orthodox monastery. The monastery is located in the Syriac cultural region known as Tur Abdin,…
达拉 是东罗马帝国于美索不达米亚北部的重要城池,地处与萨珊王朝边境处。由于它具有重要的战略意义,故在6世纪的罗马-波斯战争中占有突出地位,著名的的达拉战役便发生在530年发生于此地。如今土耳其马尔丁省乌古斯位于其旧址上。
The Atatürk Dam, originally the Karababa Dam, is the third largest dam in the world and it is a zoned rock-fill dam with a central core on…
哈桑凯伊夫 是一座历史悠久的小镇,其位于土耳其东南部巴特曼省的底格里斯河沿岸。土耳其政府于1981年将哈桑凯伊夫公告为自然保护区。
Zeugma Mosaic Museum, in the town of Gaziantep, Turkey, is the biggest mosaic museum in the world, containing 1700 m2 of mosaics.
Yesemek Quarry and Sculpture Workshop is an open-air museum and archaeological site in Gaziantep Province, Turkey.
The Gaziantep Museum of Archaeology is an archaeological museum located in the city of Gaziantep, Turkey.
迪亚巴克尔大清真寺 是土耳其迪亚巴克尔的一座清真寺。它原为圣多马教堂,是历史上最古老的基督教堂之一。它也是美索不达米亚最古老的清真寺之一,公元639年穆斯林征服迪亚巴克尔后,将其改为清真寺。穆斯林和基督徒均在使用。该寺也被视为伊斯兰教第五圣地。寺内能容纳5,000信徒。
科马基尼王国 ,是位于安那托利亚接近安条克的一个希腊化王国,原为塞琉古帝国的一个部落省,其后在前163年成为独立王国,最终在72年被罗马吞并。
Gaziantep is one of the towns known especially for its cuisine so it is no wonder it has opened the first cuisine museum in Turkey.
卡尔凯美什 ,又译卡尔基米什、卡赫美士,和合本译作迦基米施,思高本译作加革米士,西亚古城,位于今土耳其和叙利亚之间的边境地区。该城于米坦尼、赫梯以及亚述等历史时代均产生了重要影响。约公元前2400年前后…
Gaziantep Zoo is a zoo in Gaziantep, Turkey
卡育努遗址 是土耳其东南部的一个新石器时代的定居点遗址,它曾在大约在公元前8630年至公元前6800年期间繁荣一时。它位于迪亚巴克尔西北40公里处的陶鲁斯山脉脚下、底格里斯河上游支流博阿兹查伊河 和间歇性河流贝斯塔科特河 附近。
Balıklıgöl, is a pool in the southwest of the city center of Şanlıurfa, Turkey known in Jewish and Islamic legends as the place where…
Arsameia on the Nymphaios is an ancient city located in Old Kâhta in Kâhta district, Adıyaman Province, Turkey.
The Dicle Bridge is a historic bridge in Diyarbakır over the river Tigris in southeastern Turkey.