
위치종로구, 서울특별시, 대한민국

The UNESCO-listed Confucian shrine is a huge complex used to commemorate the deceased royalty. Do not miss this elaborate gem.

태그 조선궁전의 통합 티켓왕실의유교공원신사유네스코역사적인예배 장소
다운로드 다운로드 더 보기

개관 시간

Last admission an hour before closing.

Tour times vary according to interpretation services. Available in Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese.

Daily English tours: 10 am, noon, 2 pm, 4 pm


Adults: KRW 1,000
Youth (ages 7-18): KRW 500

Admission to Jongmyo Shrine and the Four Palaces in Seoul is also included in the Integrated Ticket of Palaces (KRW 10,000).

추가 정보 및 연락처

Official website

전화 +82 2 765 0195

주소 1 Hunjeong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea

좌표 37°34'28.813" N 126°59'39.011" E

트리포매틱 - 당신의 주머니 속 여행 가이드

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