Tue: usually closed
Opening hours differ depending on what you wish to see: please check the official website for further information
Park and English Garden
Full: € 12.00
Reduced (18-25): € 6.00
Historical Apartments (available only when the park is closed)
Full: € 9.00
Reduced (18-25): € 4.50
<18: Free
! Every first Sunday of month, Historical apartments are open free of charge, Park of the Palace open for a fee: € 5,00 full,
€ 2.50 reduced
Wikipedia https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/카세르타궁
Official website http://www.reggiadicaserta.beniculturali.it/
More information on UNESCO's website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/549
이메일 reggia-ce@beniculturali.it
전화 +39 0823 277 111
주소 Palazzo Reale 81100 Caserta, Italy
좌표 41°4'23.428" N 14°19'37.572" E