Declared a national monument in 1974, the ruins of the silver foundation are located right next to the Museum of the Atacama Desert.
The VISTA is a wide-field reflecting telescope with a 4.1 metre mirror, located at the Paranal Observatory in Chile.
De Very Large Telescope of VLT is een zeer geavanceerd astronomisch observatorium, dat gevestigd is op de berg Cerro Paranal in de…
The Next-Generation Transit Survey is a ground-based robotic search for exoplanets.
A telethon is a televised fundraising event that lasts many hours or days, the purpose of which is to raise money for a charitable,…
The Chilean Safety Association is a Chilean private non-profit organization, focused in development of risk prevention programs, and…
The VISTA is a wide-field reflecting telescope with a 4.1 metre mirror, located at the Paranal Observatory in Chile.