Declared a national monument in 1974, the ruins of the silver foundation are located right next to the Museum of the Atacama Desert.
Льюльяйлья́ко — действующий вулкан в хребте Западной Кордильеры Перуанских Анд, на границе Чили и Аргентины.
The VISTA is a wide-field reflecting telescope with a 4.1 metre mirror, located at the Paranal Observatory in Chile.
Very Large Telescope — комплекс из четырёх отдельных 8,2-метровых и четырёх вспомогательных 1,8-м оптических телескопов, объединённых в…
The Next-Generation Transit Survey is a ground-based robotic search for exoplanets.
A telethon is a televised fundraising event that lasts many hours or even days, the purpose of which is to raise money for a charitable,…
The Chilean Safety Association is a Chilean private non-profit organization, focused in development of risk prevention programs, and…
The VISTA is a wide-field reflecting telescope with a 4.1 metre mirror, located at the Paranal Observatory in Chile.