Zamek w Heidelbergu – zamek gotycko-renesansowy położony na zboczu góry Königstuhl w Heidelbergu w Niemczech.
Zamek Hohenzollern – siedziba niegdyś rządzącej niemieckiej dynastii Hohenzollernów ze Szwabii.
Zamek Lichtenstein – zamek z I połowy XIX wieku w Lichtenstein w Niemczech, w kraju związkowym Badenia-Wirtembergia, w Jurze Szwabskiej.
The New Palace is an 18th-century Baroque palace in Stuttgart and is one of the last large city palaces built in Southern Germany.
The Old Palace is a former castle located on the Schillerplatz in Stuttgart, Germany.
Zamek Meersburg – zamek w mieście Meersburg, nad Jeziorem Bodeńskim w Niemczech.
Mannheim Palace is a large Baroque palace in Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Pałac Ludwigsburg – największy w Niemczech pałac barokowy. Położony jest w mieście Ludwigsburg, które leży 12 km od stolicy regionu…
Karlsruhe Palace was built in 1715 for Margrave Charles III William of Baden-Durlach after a dispute with the citizens of his previous…
Rosenstein Castle is a palace in Stuttgart, Germany. It was designed in the classical style by the architect and court builder Giovanni…
Zamek Sigmaringen – dawna rezydencja książęcego rodu Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, katolickiej gałęzi dynastii Hohenzollernów w Sigmaringen.
Schwetzingen Palace is a schloss in the German state of Baden-Württemberg.
The Neues Schloss Meersburg is located in Meersburg near Lake Constance in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Rötteln Castle, located above the Lörrach suburb of Haagen, lies in the extreme southwest corner of the German state of Baden-Württemberg,…
Falkenstein Castle is a ruined hill castle near Freiburg im Breisgau on the territory of the present-day municipality Breitnau in the…
Monrepos is a lakeside schloss in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Although quite far and almost separate from Favorite Palace and Ludwigsburg Palace,…
Schloss Favorite is a schloss on the outskirts of Rastatt-Förch in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Weikersheim Palace is a palace in Weikersheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Solitude Palace is a Rococo schloss and hunting retreat commissioned by Charles Eugene, Duke of Württemberg.
Ortenberg Castle is the main landmark of the Ortenau and is situated above the town of Ortenberg at the end of the Kinzig Valley between…
Schloss Rastatt, also known as Residenzschloss Rastatt, is a Baroque schloss in Rastatt, Germany.