Katedra w Cremonie – kościół rzymskokatolicki w Cremonie poświęcony Wniebowzięciu Najświętszej Maryi Panny.
The Cremona Baptistery is a religious edifice in Cremona, northern Italy. It is annexed to the city's Cathedral.
The Violin Museum is a musical instrument museum located in Cremona. The museum is best known for its collection of stringed instruments…
Soncino Castle is a military fortress in Soncino, northern Italy. It was built in the 10th century, and it was active since the years around…
The Torrazzo is the bell tower of the Cathedral of Cremona, Lombardy, in northern Italy.
The Torrazzo is the bell tower of the Cathedral of Cremona, Lombardy, in northern Italy.
The Visconti Castle in Pandino is a 14th-century castle located in the center of the town of Pandino, province of Cremona, region of…
The Prehistoric Park is an Italian naturalistic park of more than 100 hectares of wood, situated on the outskirts of the Rivolta d'Adda…