The Teatro Municipale is a theatre in Reggio Emilia, Northern Italy. Following the destruction by fire of the 1741 Teatro Cittadella in…
Katedra w Reggio Emilia – kościół rzymskokatolicki w Reggio nell’Emilia poświęcony Wniebowzięciu Najświętszej Maryi Panny.
Piazza del Duomo is a city square in Reggio Emilia, Italy.
The Basilica of San Prospero is a Renaissance-style, Roman Catholic church with a late Baroque-style facade, located on Piazza di San…
Monte Prado is a mountain in the northern Apennines, located in the trait between the Pradarena and Radici Passes, with an altitude of 2…
Pietra di Bismantova – formacja geologiczna w centralnych Włoszech w paśmie górskim Apeniny w regionie Emilia-Romania, w prowincji Reggio…
The Alpe di Succiso is a mountain in the northern Apennines, located in the trait between the Cerreto and Lagastrello Passes, with an…
Emak is an Italian manufacturer and distributor of machines, components and accessories for gardening, agriculture, forestry and industrial…
Monte Cusna – szczyt w Północnych Apeninach, między przełęczami Cerreto i Lagastrello.