The Hôtel Goüin is a hôtel particulier in Tours, France.
Clos Lucé – pałac w Amboise w dolinie Loary; połączony podziemnym przejściem z położonym w odległości ½ km zamkiem w Amboise.
La Maison de la Magie Robert-Houdin is a museum which faces the Royal Château de Blois.
The Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours is located in the bishop's former palace, near the cathedral St. Gatien, where it has been since 1910.
The Château de Saché is a writer's house museum located in a home built from the converted remains of a feudal castle.
The Frac Centre-Val de Loire, formerly known as Frac Centre, is a public collection of contemporary art of the Centre-Val de Loire region…
René Descartes, łac. Renatus Cartesius, po polsku Kartezjusz, – francuski uczony: matematyk, fizyk i filozof, jeden z najwybitniejszych…
The Roman city of Argentomagus was located in the Mersans plateau of central France, at the strategic point on the north bank of the river…
The Château de Montpoupon is a castle in the commune of Céré-la-Ronde in the Indre-et-Loire département of France.
Tramway de Pithiviers à Toury – obecnie turystyczna, a dawniej publiczna linia kolei wąskotorowej łącząca pierwotnie francuskie…