The Hôtel Goüin is a hôtel particulier in Tours, France.
The Château du Clos Lucé, formerly called Manoir du Cloux, is a large château located in the center of Amboise, in the department of Indre…
La Maison de la Magie Robert-Houdin is a museum which faces the Royal Château de Blois.
The Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours is located in the bishop's former palace, near the cathedral St. Gatien, where it has been since 1910.
The Château de Saché is a writer's house museum located in a home built from the converted remains of a feudal castle.
The Frac Centre-Val de Loire, formerly known as Frac Centre, is a public collection of contemporary art of the Centre-Val de Loire region…
르네 데카르트는 프랑스의 철학자, 수학자, 과학자, 근대 철학의 아버지, 해석기하학의 창시자로 불린다. 그는 합리론의 대표주자이며 본인의 대표 저서에서 ‘나는 생각한다, 고로 존재한다.’는 계몽사상의 '자율적이고 합리적인 주체'의 근본 원리를…
The Roman city of Argentomagus was located in the Mersans plateau of central France, at the strategic point on the north bank of the river…
The Château de Montpoupon is a castle in the commune of Céré-la-Ronde in the Indre-et-Loire département of France.
The Tramway de Pithiviers à Toury was a 600 mm gauge railway in the Loiret department of France.