Zamek Hohenzollern – siedziba niegdyś rządzącej niemieckiej dynastii Hohenzollernów ze Szwabii.
Zamek Lichtenstein – zamek z I połowy XIX wieku w Lichtenstein w Niemczech, w kraju związkowym Badenia-Wirtembergia, w Jurze Szwabskiej.
Zamek Meersburg – zamek w mieście Meersburg, nad Jeziorem Bodeńskim w Niemczech.
Zamek Sigmaringen – dawna rezydencja książęcego rodu Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, katolickiej gałęzi dynastii Hohenzollernów w Sigmaringen.
The Neues Schloss Meersburg is located in Meersburg near Lake Constance in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Schloss Wolfegg is a Renaissance castle next to the town of Wolfegg in Upper Swabia.
Tettnang Castle, also known as the Tettnang New Palace, is one of three castles in the German town of Tettnang.
Schloss Heiligenberg is a Renaissance-style castle in Heiligenberg, Linzgau, north of the Bodensee.
Burg Wildenstein, a fortified spur castle, built between 1200 and 1300 A.D., is situated above the Danube break-through at the Swabian Alb…
Erbach Castle is a patrician Renaissance castle situated on a hillside close to the city of Erbach an der Donau in the state of Baden…
The Waldburg is the ancestral castle of the stewards and imperial princes of the nobility gender with the same name.
Achalm Castle is a ruined castle located above the towns of Reutlingen and Pfullingen in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.