Esta fonte maravilhosa com água a chegar a uns inacreditáveis 140 metros, é um dos marcos mais famosos de Génova.
O Monumento do Leão, ou Leão de Lucerna, é uma escultura em Lucerna, na Suíça.
Take a pic with a statue of the famous singer which was unveiled on the shore of Lake Geneva in 1996. He wrote several songs in Montreux.
Esta escultura gigante é para lembrar todas as vítimas de minas terrestres e bombas de fragmentação em todo o mundo.
A masterpiece built by the renowned Swiss painter and sculptor. Note that the iron figures are moving and interacting with each other.
The Kindlifresserbrunnen is a painted stone fountain at the Kornhausplatz in Bern, Switzerland.
The Zähringerbrunnen is a fountain on Kramgasse in the Old City of Bern, Switzerland.
The Gerechtigkeitsbrunnen is a 16th-century fountain in the Gerechtigkeitsgasse in the Old City of Bern, Switzerland.
The Pfeiferbrunnen is a fountain near Spitalgasse 21 in Bern, Switzerland.
The Strassburger memorial is a monument in Basel established in memory of the help the civil population of Strassburg received from…
O Gato de Schrödinger é uma experiência mental, frequentemente descrita como um paradoxo, desenvolvida pelo físico austríaco Erwin…