Jet d'Eau, İsviçre'nin Cenevre kentinde yer alan bir fıskiyedir. Cenevre Gölü'nün Rhône Nehri'yle birleştiği yerde bulunan Jet d'eau kentin…
Luzern Aslanı Anıtı Bertel Thorvaldsen tarafından tasarlanan, 1820-21 yılları arasında yapılan İsviçre'nin Luzern kentindeki heykeldir.
Take a pic with a statue of the famous singer which was unveiled on the shore of Lake Geneva in 1996. He wrote several songs in Montreux.
Broken Chair is a monumental sculpture in wood designed by Swiss artist Daniel Berset, and constructed by carpenter Louis Genève.
A masterpiece built by the renowned Swiss painter and sculptor. Note that the iron figures are moving and interacting with each other.
The Kindlifresserbrunnen is a painted stone fountain at the Kornhausplatz in Bern, Switzerland.
The Zähringerbrunnen is a fountain on Kramgasse in the Old City of Bern, Switzerland.
The Gerechtigkeitsbrunnen is a 16th-century fountain in the Gerechtigkeitsgasse in the Old City of Bern, Switzerland.
The Pfeiferbrunnen is a fountain near Spitalgasse 21 in Bern, Switzerland.
The Strassburger memorial is a monument in Basel established in memory of the help the civil population of Strassburg received from…
Schrödinger'in kedisi, Avusturyalı fizikçi Erwin Schrödinger tarafından ortaya atılmış, kuantum fiziğiyle ilgili olan, hakkında çok…