Нотр-Дам-дю-О или капелла Роншан — бетонная паломническая церковь, построенная в 1950—1955 гг. во французском местечке Роншан на Вогезской…
The Château d'Oricourt is a castle in the commune of Oricourt in the department of Haute-Saône, in the Franche-Comté region of France.
Кларисси́нки, Клариссы, Орден святой Клары — женский монашеский орден Римско-католической церкви, тесно связанный духовно и организационно…
Жан Пруве́ — французский архитектор и дизайнер. Один из самых талантливых конструкторов XX века.
The Ronchamp Coal Mines were an area of coal mines located in the Vosges and Jura coal mining basins, in eastern France.
The Ronchamp Coal Mines were an area of coal mines located in the Vosges and Jura coal mining basins, in eastern France.
The Ronchamp Coal Mines were an area of coal mines located in the Vosges and Jura coal mining basins, in eastern France.
The Ronchamp Coal Mines were an area of coal mines located in the Vosges and Jura coal mining basins, in eastern France.
The Ronchamp Coal Mines were an area of coal mines located in the Vosges and Jura coal mining basins, in eastern France.
The Ronchamp Coal Mines were an area of coal mines located in the Vosges and Jura coal mining basins, in eastern France.
Bourlémont is a hill located in Ronchamp, Haute-Saône, eastern France with an elevation of 474 m above sea level.
Пьер-Жозéф Дезо́ — французский анатом и хирург, один из основоположников клинической хирургии.