廊香教堂 ,又称龙尚教堂,台湾有时根据法语实际发音译作宏香教堂,是位于法国东部勃艮第-弗朗什-孔泰大区上索恩省镇龙尚的一座罗马天主教圣母朝圣小圣堂,由法国…
The Château d'Oricourt is a castle in the commune of Oricourt in the department of Haute-Saône, in the Franche-Comté region of France.
贫穷修女会 ,又名嘉勒修女会,是罗马天主教的一个女性修会,是方济各会的第二会,由修女阿西西的圣嘉勒和圣方济各创立于1212年的棕枝主日,成立时间在方济各会的第二会之后,第三会之前。2004年,在全世界76个国家共有超过20,000名贫穷修女会的修女。
Jean Prouvé was a French metal worker, self-taught architect and designer.
The Ronchamp Coal Mines were an area of coal mines located in the Vosges and Jura coal mining basins, in eastern France.
The Ronchamp Coal Mines were an area of coal mines located in the Vosges and Jura coal mining basins, in eastern France.
The Ronchamp Coal Mines were an area of coal mines located in the Vosges and Jura coal mining basins, in eastern France.
The Ronchamp Coal Mines were an area of coal mines located in the Vosges and Jura coal mining basins, in eastern France.
The Ronchamp Coal Mines were an area of coal mines located in the Vosges and Jura coal mining basins, in eastern France.
The Ronchamp Coal Mines were an area of coal mines located in the Vosges and Jura coal mining basins, in eastern France.
Marie-Louis-Georges Colomb was a French botanist, science populariser, and a pioneer of French comics, known as bandes dessinées .
Bourlémont is a hill located in Ronchamp, Haute-Saône, eastern France with an elevation of 474 m above sea level.
Pierre-Joseph Desault was a French anatomist and surgeon.