Замок Хохостервиц — средневековый замок в Каринтии, один из красивейших в Австрии.
Haimburg Castle, also called Heunburg, is a rock castle located in the village of Haimburg near the town of Völkermarkt in the Austrian…
Карл Ауэр фон Вельсбах — австрийский химик, исследователь редкоземельных элементов.
Wolfsberg Castle, today also Henckel-Donnersmarck Castle, stands on a knoll in the north of the town of Wolfsberg in the Austrian state of…
Schloss Straßburg is a castle in Straßburg, Carinthia, Austria. Schloss Straßburg is 754 metres above sea level.
Burg Mannsberg is a castle in Carinthia, Austria.
Burg Mannsberg is a castle in Carinthia, Austria.