Энряку-дзи — буддийский монастырь на горе Хиэй над городом Киото, был основан в конце VIII — начале IX веков монахом Сайтё, носившим также…
Би́ва, раньше называлось Оми, в русскоязычных источниках также Мизууми, от мидзууми — крупнейшее озеро Японии, находящееся в префектуре…
The Miho Museum is located southeast of Kyoto, Japan, in the Shigaraki neighborhood of the city of Kōka, in Shiga Prefecture.
Minakuchi Castle, is a hirashiro-style Japanese castle located in the former town of Minakuchi, in the city of Kōka, Shiga Prefecture,…
Мии-дэра, называется также Ондзё-дзи — крупный буддийский монастырь и храмовый комплекс, расположенный у подножия горы Хиэй в современном…
Mikami Shrine) is a Shinto shrine located in the city of Yasu, Shiga Prefecture, Japan.
Mangetsu-ji is a temple beside Lake Biwa in Ōtsu, Shiga Prefecture, Japan.
Mount Gozaisho is a Japanese mountain located on the border of Komono, Mie Prefecture and Higashi-Ōmi, Shiga Prefecture.
Mount Mikami is a mountain, 432 metres above sea level, located in Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan.
Torahime Station is a passenger railway station located in the city of Nagahama, Shiga, Japan, operated by the West Japan Railway Company.
Saimyō-ji, also known as Kotō-sanzan Saimyōji or as Ryūōzan Saimyōji is a Buddhist temple of the Tendai sect located in the town of Kōra,…