Замок Тоттори — бывший замок в японском городе Тоттори. В настоящее время большей частью разрушен, от замка сохранились лишь руины стен.
Дайсен — вулканическая гора на побережье Японского моря в префектуре Тоттори острова Хонсю Японии, регион Санъин.
Тотто́ри — Центральный город Японии и административный центр префектуры Тоттори.
Yonago Castle was a castle in Yonago, Tottori, Japan.
The gardens of Enchō-en are located in Yurihama, Tottori Prefecture, Japan.
National University Corporation Tottori University, abbreviated to Toridai, is a national university in Japan.
Дзинпукаку — историческое здание в городе Тоттори, построенная в европейском стиле резиденция клана Икэда.
Hakuto Shrine is a Shinto shrine in Tottori, Tottori Prefecture, Japan. In 1937, its trees were designated a Natural Monument.
Tottori College is a private junior college in Kurayoshi, Tottori, Japan.
Don Quijote Co., Ltd. is a discount chain store that has over 160 locations throughout Japan, 8 in Singapore, 3 Thailand, 3 in Hong Kong, 2…
Sanbutsu-ji is a Buddhist temple in the town of Misasa, Tottori Prefecture, Japan.
Uradome Coast is a scenic ria coastal inlet located on the Japan Sea in Iwami, Tottori Prefecture, Japan.
Kamiyodo temple ruins is an archeological site with the ruins of a Hakuhō period Buddhist temple located in the Yodoe neighborhood of the…
Daisen-ji is a Buddhist temple located in the town of Daisen, Tottori Prefecture, Japan.
Uradome Coast is a scenic ria coastal inlet located on the Japan Sea in Iwami, Tottori Prefecture, Japan.
Suwa Jinja is a Shinto shrine in Chizu, Tottori Prefecture, Japan. Known from the time of the Mongol invasions, the shrine is celebrated for…
Shitori Shrine is a Shinto shrine in the Miyauchi neighborhood of the town of Yurihama in Tottori Prefecture, Japan, on the east bank of…
The Tottori Nijisseiki Pear Museum is located in Kurayoshi, Tottori Prefecture, Japan, and dedicated to the history of the pear.
Мукибанда, также Развалины Мукибанда-Яёй, официально Поселение Мукибанда-Яёй, — крупнейшее поселение периода Яёй в Японии.
Ōgamiyama Jinja is a Shinto shrine, in Daisen, Tottori, Japan. A number of its structures have been designated Important Cultural Properties.
National Route 183 is a national highway of Japan connecting Naka-ku, Hiroshima and Yonago, Tottori in Japan, with a total length of 196.4…