Замок Верденберг — средневековый замок в швейцарском городе Верденберг.
Рейн — крупная река в Западной Европе, впадает в Северное море. Протекает по территории 6 государств: Швейцарии, Лихтенштейна, Австрии,…
Wartau Castle is a ruined castle in the municipality of Wartau of the Canton of St. Gallen in Switzerland.
Hohensax is a ruined castle in the Sennwald municipality in the Swiss canton St. Gallen.
Forstegg Castle is a ruined castle in the municipality of Sennwald of the Canton of St Gallen in Switzerland.
This defensive bastion was built during the WWII. Visit its impressive premises that could accommodate more than 400 men.