Werdenberg Castle is a castle in the municipality of Grabs of the Canton of St. Gallen in Switzerland.
莱茵河 是一条欧洲国际河流,发源于瑞士格劳宾登州的阿尔卑斯山区,流经列支敦士登、奥地利、德国和法国,最终于荷兰流入北海。莱茵河全长1,232公里,通航区段为883公里,流域面积18…
Wartau Castle is a ruined castle in the municipality of Wartau of the Canton of St. Gallen in Switzerland.
Hohensax is a ruined castle in the Sennwald municipality in the Swiss canton St. Gallen.
Forstegg Castle is a ruined castle in the municipality of Sennwald of the Canton of St Gallen in Switzerland.
This defensive bastion was built during the WWII. Visit its impressive premises that could accommodate more than 400 men.