The Anichkov Bridge is the oldest and most famous bridge across the Fontanka River in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Už ste niekedy počuli o vaječnej káve? Táto špecialita je typická pre toto jedinečné miesto na kávu, ktoré bolo založené už v roku 1941.
Jedna z najčistejších a naj pokojnejších pláží k návšteve. Zvyčajne je menej zaplnená ako ostatné a voda je v závislosti od ročného obdobia…
Klášter Tatev je klášter arménské církve nedaleko obce Tatev v provincii Sjunik na jihu Arménie. Založen byl v 9. století.
Seonyudo is an island in the Han River in Seoul, South Korea. There is a Seonyudo park all over the island.
Jigokudani Monkey Park is located in Yamanouchi, Nagano Prefecture, Japan.
Centrum pre výskum vedy, ktoré vás zavedie na cestu vesmírnym prieskumom, fosílnymi palivami a oveľa viac.
Obchod ponúka širokú škálu rôznych japonských tradičných ručne vyrábaných papierov waši.
Mini Siam and Mini Europe, commonly just called Mini Siam is a miniature park attraction in Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand.
The Temple of Augustus and Rome is an augusteum located in the Altındağ district of Ankara. It is thought to have been built around 25–20 AD.
V tejto budove sa predtým nachádzala lekáreň, ktorá patrila jednej z najuznávanejších rodín Kanazawy.
Otvorené v roku 2012, toto múzeum pozýva všetky deti, aby prišli a hrali sa so zbierkami tradičných japonských hračiek.
Fort Tarout or Tarout Castle is a historic castle located at the top of a hill in the center of Tarout Island, Qatif, eastern Saudi Arabia.
Nasseef House or Nassif House is a historical structure in Al-Balad, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
The Wabar craters are impact craters located in Saudi Arabia first brought to the attention of Western scholars by British Arabist,…
Wadi Hanifa is a wadi in the Najd region, Riyadh Province, in central Saudi Arabia.
Fa Hien Cave, also Pahiyangala Cave, is situated in the district of Kalutara, Western Province, Sri Lanka and according to a rural legend,…
Spring is the best time to go see these waterfalls - the mass of water creates powerful streams and water cascades.
The Gate of Mecca, Mecca Gate or Makkah Gate, also known as Qur'an Gate, is an arch gateway monumental on the Makkah al-Mukkarramah road of…
The Mimizuka, an alteration of the original Hanazuka is a monument in Kyoto, Japan, dedicated to the sliced noses of killed Korean…