Chrám svätého Izáka alebo Isaakijevskij chrám je jeden z najkrajších petrohradských chrámov, ktorý sa stáva jedným z najčastejších cieľov…
Medený jazdec je známa jazdecká socha v ruskom meste Sankt Peterburgu, ktorú preslávila najmä poéma A. S.
St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral is a major Baroque Orthodox cathedral in the western part of Central Saint Petersburg.
Famous for the giant equestrian statue of Peter the Great and for the St. Isaac's Cathedral.
The Palace of the Yusupovs on the Moika, known as the Moika Palace or Yusupov Palace, is a former residence of the Russian noble House of…
Budova Admirality patrí k typickým pozoruhodnostiam mesta na Nevskom prospekte v Sankt Peterburgu. Je klenotom ruského klasicizmu.
Mariinské divadlo je velká divadelní budova v ruském Petrohradu.
Alexandrovská zahrada je park nacházející se v Admiralitní oblasti Petrohradu.
Central Naval Museum is a naval museum in St Petersburg, Russia. It is one of the first museums in Russia and one of the world’s largest…
Modrý most je most přes řeku Mojku v ruském městě Petrohrad. Nachází se v Admiralitním rajónu a navazuje na Isakijevské náměstí, v jeho…
Nicholas Palace is one of several Saint Petersburg palaces designed by Andreas Stackensneider for the children of Nicholas I of Russia.
The Manege is a former riding hall for the Imperial Horse Guards fronting on Saint Isaac's Square in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Hotel Astoria is a five-star hotel in Saint Petersburg, Russia, that first opened in December 1912.
Visit a rare museum, completely devoted to vodka which is a significant feature of Russian culture. Come here and discover vodka's origin.
In many countries, kilometre zero or similar terms in other languages denote a particular location from which distances are traditionally…
Nabokov House is a house in Saint Petersburg with the modern street number of 47 Great Morskaya Street, 190000.
The State Museum of the History of Saint Petersburg is a museum of the history of the city of Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Bridge of Four Lions is a 28-metre-long pedestrian bridge over the Griboedov Canal in St Petersburg, connecting L'vinyi Drive to Malaya…
Hotel Astoria is a five-star hotel in Saint Petersburg, Russia, that first opened in December 1912.