Chrám Kristovho vzkriesenia - Spasiteľa na krvi je petrohradský pravoslávny chrám, ktorý bol vybudovaný na mieste, kde bol v roku 1881…
Palace Square, connecting Nevsky Prospekt with Palace Bridge leading to Vasilievsky Island, is the central city square of St Petersburg and…
Zimný palác je palác v Petrohrade, v Rusku, ktorý bol postavený v rokoch 1754 – 1762 ako zimné sídlo ruských cárov.
The General Staff Building is an edifice with a 580 m long bow-shaped facade, situated on Palace Square in Saint Petersburg, Russia, in…
St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral is a major Baroque Orthodox cathedral in the western part of Central Saint Petersburg.
Medený jazdec je známa jazdecká socha v ruskom meste Sankt Peterburgu, ktorú preslávila najmä poéma A. S.
Kunstkamera je první ruské muzeum, založené carem Petrem I. Velikým v 10. letech 18. století.
Mariinské divadlo je velká divadelní budova v ruském Petrohradu.
Petergof je bývalá honosná rezidencia ruských imperátorov na brehu Fínskeho zálivu.
Budova Admirality patrí k typickým pozoruhodnostiam mesta na Nevskom prospekte v Sankt Peterburgu. Je klenotom ruského klasicizmu.
Michajlovský zámek je bývalá rezidence ruských carů, která se nachází na Sadové ulici v Petrohradě.
The gardens of the Winter Palace, St Petersburg, are little known, as the great imperial palace of the Romanovs was never intended to have…
The cabin of Peter the Great is a small wooden house which was the first St Petersburg "palace" of Tsar Peter the Great.
The Stroganov Palace is a Late Baroque palace at the intersection of the Moika River and Nevsky Prospect in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Bank Bridge is a 25 m long pedestrian bridge crossing the Griboedov Canal near the former Russian Assignation Bank in Saint Petersburg,…
Visit a rare museum, completely devoted to vodka which is a significant feature of Russian culture. Come here and discover vodka's origin.
Central Naval Museum is a naval museum in St Petersburg, Russia. It is one of the first museums in Russia and one of the world’s largest…
Nicholas Palace is one of several Saint Petersburg palaces designed by Andreas Stackensneider for the children of Nicholas I of Russia.
Krestovskij stadion, také známý jako Zenit Arena, či Стадион «Санкт-Петербург» je víceúčelový stadion sloužící zejména pro fotbal na…
The Manege is a former riding hall for the Imperial Horse Guards fronting on Saint Isaac's Square in Saint Petersburg, Russia.