Toto malé námestie leží len pár blokov od najväčších pamiatok mesta, ako je Bazilika sv. Štefana.
Poprechádzajte sa po dunajskom nábreží (alebo si objednajte taxík, aby vás po ňom povozil) a vychutnávajte si pohľad na najkrajšie…
Toto námestie je pomenované podľa milovaného maďarského básnika - Mihályho Vörösmartyho.
The main thoroughfare through the city center. Walk the street, enjoy the bustle and look up at the stately buildings.
Easily accessible from the city, the hills are a perfect getaway. Take a walk here and enjoy the Central European landscape.
This museum is dedicated to the renowned Hungarian sculptor - you can see his sketches, work materials and statues here.
Uhorská koruna je koruna uhorských kráľov.
One of the examples of contemporary architecture in Budapest. It primarily serves as a prestigious office building.
M1 alebo „Millenniumi Földalatti Vasút“, hovorovo Földalatti je jedna z liniek budapeštianskeho metra.
The Museum of Ethnography is a national museum in Budapest, Hungary.
Óbuda alebo Starý Budín je časť obvodu Budapešť III. Zodpovedá hlavnej časti historického samostatného mestečka rovnakého mena, ktorého…
A protected area that showcases animals typical for the region. The surrounding nature is enchanting no matter the season.
This high-tech building made of steel and glass was completed in 2007. It provides space for retailers, offices and apartments.
Corvinus University of Budapest is a private research university in Budapest, Hungary.
The Rumbach Street synagogue is located in Belváros, the inner city of the historical old town of Pest, in the eastern section of Budapest.