Kapellbrücke alebo po slovensky Kaplnkový most je najstarší drevený most v Európe, ktorý slúžil aj ako mestské opevnenie a dnes je hlavnou…
The Lion Monument, or the Lion of Lucerne, is a rock relief in Lucerne, Switzerland, designed by Bertel Thorvaldsen and hewn in 1820–21 by…
The Spreuer Bridge is one of two extant covered wooden footbridges in the city of Lucerne, Switzerland.
Renaissance-style building worth visiting especially for the lively atmosphere of the surrounding marketplace.
A needle dam is a weir designed to maintain the level or flow of a river through the use of thin "needles" of wood.
The Hammetschwand Lift in Switzerland is the highest exterior elevator in Europe.
Heidegg Castle is a castle in the municipality of Hitzkirch of the Canton of Lucerne in Switzerland.
Meggenhorn Castle is a castle in Meggen near the Swiss city of Lucerne.
Swissporarena is a multi-use stadium in Lucerne, Switzerland, completed in 2011.
Sempachersee je jezero ve Švýcarsku. Po Vierwaldstättersee a Zugersee je to třetí největší jezero kantonu Lucern.
Bitva u Sempachu se odehrála 9. července 1386 u švýcarského města Sempach a byla svedena vojsky Rakouského vévodství a Staré švýcarské…
The Winkelried memorial was erected in memory of Arnold von Winkelried, who sacrificed his life in the Battle of Sempach on the 9 July…
Paiste je firma, která se zabývá výrobou činelů a gongů. Paiste v estonštině znamená blýskat nebo svítit se.