Najstaršia stále stojaca štvrť v Nice má čo ponúknuť aj dnešným návštevníkom.
Priestranné hlavné námestie v Nice lemujú červené paláce postavené v talianskom štýle, palmy a borovice.
Najvyšší bod v Nice a miesto s najokúzľujúcejším výhľadom na mesto. Kopec pomenovali po citadele z 11. storočia, ktorá tu stála, dokým ju v…
Táto katedrála je zasvätená Nanebovzatia Panny Márie a jej názov pochádza z pozostatkov sv. od 9. augusta 1906.
Rozľahlá promenáda nachádzajúca sa v centre mesta je obľúbeným miestom oddychu pre miestnych aj turistov.
This is a pretty yet easy hike, which will reward you with an amazing view overlooking the city as well as the Riviera.
Promenade des Anglais je ulica a pešia zóna v juhofrancúzskom meste Nice.
The Church of Saint Joan of Arc is a Roman Catholic parish church located in Nice, France.
The Marc Chagall National Museum is a French national museum dedicated to the work of painter Marc Chagall – essentially his works inspired…
An impressive fortress with massive bastions and watchtowers; it is possible to see the Alps and all the way to Italy from here.
Lovely and peaceful gardens which belong to the University of Nice are a nice chance to get away from the hustle of the town, and just…
A picturesque convent with an adjacent cemetery, spacious and light, with beautiful decorative chapels and tombstones.
The Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nice in Nice, France at 33 av. des Baumettes was built in the former private mansion built in 1878 by the…
Parc Phœnix is a 7-hectare botanical garden and zoo in Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France.
The Musée Matisse in Nice is a municipal museum devoted to the work of French painter Henri Matisse.
The Jardin botanique de la Ville de Nice, also known as the Jardin botanique de Nice, is a municipal botanical garden located at 78 avenue…
Not only do they make excellent wine in Cremat, the chateau itself is also quite impressive. Definitely worth the visit.
Taste the exquisite wines of the Nice region in this lovely vineyard. A must-visit for wine conoisseurs.
One of Nice's most desireable neighborhoods and a site of many luxurious villas. The views from here really are amazing.
A quite curious building with its pink bastions and ramparts. This romantic castle built for an English colonel in the 19th century is worth…
Musée national du Sport je muzeum v Paříži. Nachází se ve 13. obvodu na Avenue de France.