Najstaršia stále stojaca štvrť v Nice má čo ponúknuť aj dnešným návštevníkom.
Najvyšší bod v Nice a miesto s najokúzľujúcejším výhľadom na mesto. Kopec pomenovali po citadele z 11. storočia, ktorá tu stála, dokým ju v…
Táto katedrála je zasvätená Nanebovzatia Panny Márie a jej názov pochádza z pozostatkov sv. od 9. augusta 1906.
The central outdoor market of Nice is full of interesting sights, sounds, smells and colours. A true Mediterannean experience.
The Palais Lascaris is a seventeenth-century aristocratic building in Nice, France. Currently, it is a musical instrument museum.
A truly impressive monument built into the face of Mont Boron to those from Nice who fell in the world wars. A magnificent sight.
The Opéra de Nice is the principal opera venue in Nice, France, which houses the Ballet Nice Méditerrannée and the Nice Philharmonic…
The largest and most popular beach in Nice. Good news for those who don't fancy sand - the beach is laid with soft stone pebbles.
Baroque chapel situated in the central marketplace of Nice with an astonishing interior. A well hidden gem.
Located in a beautiful Neo-classic building in the heart of Old Town, this ist the seat of Nice's municipal government.
The Palais Lascaris is a seventeenth-century aristocratic building in Nice, France. Currently, it is a musical instrument museum.
Church of the Gesù, Nice also known as The Church of Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur of Nice is a Roman Catholic church located on Rue Droite in…